Life is easy when writing or reading about it. The challenge is actually living it. Just as a teacher learns a subject that is to be taught, two different aspects are made into one. That is receiving and giving to fulfill the product. Learn to receive first, for what you don't have, you cannot give. Receiving is the hardest of all, just like someone receiving an unexpected gift, most times he or she won't know how to react. The first questions asked are, what is it, what can I do with it and what do other people think of me having it? Well, all I can say is that every day I receive unexpected gifts of which it has taken me over 50 years to appreciate, understand and accept. The more I receive the more I can give and giving is the most rewarding, satisfying and fulfilling feeling one can experience when the recipient understands and appreciates the gift above its face value. May we all have a blessed Christmas and enjoy our daily gifts.